
How to help your child cope with school stress

How to help your child cope with school stress

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When we talk about stress, we usually relate it to an adult problem (work, home, etc ...) but we do not usually relate stress to children. But they also suffer from it and unfortunately, more and more. There are many factors that can stress a child, but we are going to focus on the stress that they may suffer at school. On our site we tell you how to help your child fight school stress.

It seems that being a child is easy, you go to school, do your homework, play and that's it. But now, what we are seeing more and more specialists is that children face schedules full of activities and with little time to rest and play, (something fundamental for development).

Children go to school, sometimes they enter very early because they cannot reconcile school hours with their parents' work, then they go to extracurricular hours (one or two a week), do homework, (sometimes too much), study, they eat dinner and go to sleep. And if to all this we add a possible difficulty or learning problem, stress is served.

If we think about the school days of children, we can see that in many cases, they are like those of an adult. Children who leave home at 7 in the morning and do not arrive until 7 in the afternoon, having to do homework or study until 9, when they eat dinner, shower and go to bed. Under these conditions, it is normal to think that children may experience stress.

But it's not just the schedules that stress kids. The load of homework they have, the excess of exams, (by units, quarterly, global, pre-evaluation ...), the pressure and demands of parents, teachers and their own, together with the personal characteristics and self-esteem of the students. children, stressful situations result so that children do not have coping strategies and tools.

This state of stress in children usually manifests itself as:

- Sleeping problems.

- Behavioral disorders.

- Problems of attention and concentration.

- Anxiety, sadness, childhood depression.

- Gastrointestinal problems, lack or excess of appetite.

- Sudden and exaggerated fears.

- Setback in some acquired behaviors, (peeing on the bed, thumb sucking, nightmares ...)

And here, at this point, how parents handle these situations is critical. Some important issues to consider are:

- Respect the children's sleep hours. We must try to get them to sleep the necessary hours according to the age of the children, (between 8 and 10 hours).

- Allow leisure and recreation time for children, (beyond extracurricular soccer, judo, or robotics). In short, respect children as children and value playtime as an invaluable time for the child's development.

- Put a time limit on homework according to the school yearFor example, in 2nd grade, we should not dedicate more than one hour a day to homework, study and reading.

- Listen to the child, and help you manage your emotions about school and your day to day.

- Assess the children's effort and not the final grade. Most parents say the same thing, that we value effort, but when they arrive with a 5, it is not worth it, and we tell the child that he can get more marks. And maybe yes, but then we will motivate you to improve next time, and we value the current grade.

- Do not compare never the child with his companions.

- It is also important that children learn to organize and organize their times and tasks and take responsibility for them. The best way to properly manage time is knowing how to organize it. So we can help the child to make a schedule with the activities they have, and the time they have to do their homework and play or rest. You also have to learn to plan assignments and work, so making a calendar of the month in which you know at first glance when you have exams, delivery of work or files, etc ... can help you plan so that you are not put everything together at the last minute. In this it is important that parents help them, (which does not mean that we do it), but we do guide and guide them until they can do it alone.

If we suspect that something in our child is not right, that he has any of the signs that we saw at the beginning, it may be appropriate to go to the pediatrician or child psychologist to assess the "seriousness" of the matter and help us parents and the child himself , to handle these situations and provide the child with emotional management and control tools, relaxation techniques, time management, etc ... that help them cope with the stressful situations that arise in their day-to-day lives.

You can read more articles similar to How to help your child cope with school stress, in the School / College category on site.

Video: Overcoming Anxiety. Jonas Kolker. TEDxTheMastersSchool (January 2025).