Category Childhood illnesses

Asthma in Children, Educational Videos and Tips
Childhood illnesses

Asthma in Children, Educational Videos and Tips

Asthma in children is a common disease that appears from childhood. The most recognizable symptoms are shortness of breath with prolonged and wheezing aspiration.This chronic bronchial disease affects more and more children, limiting them to perform physical activities that require greater effort and, therefore, they are always aware and constantly alert in case they have an asthmatic attack.

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Childhood illnesses

Constipation in Babies

Constipation is a disorder characterized by the difficulty or inability of a person to have a bowel movement. During the first months of a baby's life, both the coordination between the movements of his bowel as well as the relaxation of the sphincter of his anus, is not very efficient or has not matured enough.
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Childhood illnesses

How to cure children's flu

The flu is an infectious disease caused by a virus called Influenza (there are four types of virus). It affects both adults and children (between 20 and 30 of the child population). Like other illnesses caused by viruses, the flu cannot be treated. All that can be offered to the patient is symptomatic treatment.
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Childhood illnesses

How Chickenpox Can Affect Children's Dental Health

Some parents consult me ​​about something that is very frequent, that has happened to them and that they & 39; fear & 39; that can happen to your children. The fact of going to the dentist and the doctor, as soon as they see their teeth, tells them that they have had chickenpox and that there are consequences for their enamel. It is something of first shocking, but that we are going to explain, and it is that chickenpox can affect the oral health of children.
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Childhood illnesses

Hand-foot-mouth virus and the 11 most frequent doubts of parents

Hand-foot-and-mouth disease is a very common viral infection in childhood. It is very frequent and, although it is usually benign, on many occasions it generates uncertainty that we will solve today. These are the most frequent doubts of parents about the hand-foot-mouth virus. It is a viral infection, produced by different viruses of the enterovirus family (mainly the Coxsackie virus).
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Childhood illnesses

Home remedies to lower fever in children

Fever is one of the most frequent situations that parents will have with their little ones. In general, parents are always scared when the temperature of the little ones rises, but fever is the body's response to a possible infection (small viruses enter our body and the body rises to cope with them), to some disease virus, or even the reaction of a vaccine or excess clothing that the child is wearing.
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Childhood illnesses

Babies' health problems from frequent bathing

Before the baby is born, many mothers learn how to take care of it and take care of it when we get home. One of the activities that gives us the most excitement, although also some anguish, is the moment of bathing our baby for the first time. Although it is not necessary to do it daily, some mothers do it very frequently, bringing health problems for the little one, and there are many health problems for babies due to frequent bathing.
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Childhood illnesses

Omeprazole for children: yes or no?

Omeprazole is an acid secretion inhibitor drug produced by the stomach. It is a drug widely consumed by the general population, belonging to the group of proton pump inhibitors. For several months a certain alarm has arisen among civil society in relation to the possible side effects that it could generate.
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Childhood illnesses

How Summer Affects Children's Health

When summer arrives, high temperatures rise and with this heat diseases also appear in children typical of this season: gastroenteritis, pharyngotonsillitis, conjunctivitis ... How does summer affect the health of children? During the summer children are more vulnerable to infections or other pathologies, since there is a change of environment and diet.
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Childhood illnesses

How to treat bacterial conjunctivitis in children

In my experience as a pediatrician, conjunctivitis is a fairly common pathology in children, especially when there are flu, catarrhal or other pathologies, but it is important to determine its cause, since the treatment differs according to its cause. Today in this article we are going to focus on bacterial conjunctivitis in children.
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Childhood illnesses

The most common diseases in babies and children during the summer

Summer comes, and the weather turns hot. We immediately associate it with sunscreen, glasses, shorts, umbrella ... Summer is extremely charming because it is enjoyed with the family, especially outdoors, but since not everything is pink, there is also something that we know is a bit difficult to avoid: the most common diseases in babies and children during the summer, and all because of the change in the weather
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Childhood illnesses

3 signs that alert parents to West syndrome in children

It is very unfortunate that during childhood there may be a disease, which if not detected in time can cause serious neurological damage and even death to children under 5 years of age.This pathology that I want to talk to you about today is known as Syndrome of West and I want to tell you the signs that alert parents to West syndrome in children.
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